Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Don ko dekhna mushkil hi nahi, namumkin hai…

Everyone was out of their mind when they made this movie. Except for a cameo performance by Boman Irani & Priyanka Chopra most of the movie can be forgotten.
The first half is ok but you would need lots of cola/snacks to get through the second.

The DON does not look or behave like the real DON. Guess he is too cute for that. The passion to perform is there but somehow it is not translated to solid performance.

The girls are just color on the screen but then isha & kareena are very insignificant. Off the lot Priyanka has a meaty role and does justice too.

The plot (if any) is wafer thin & nothing to rave about. For few instances (3-5) there is nothing in the movie which catches your attention. The original punch lines are remixed to no effect.

Music, too is a big let down. SEL have not done their bit well.

Which only leaves us with two things to talk about. Om Puri is wasted. Boman Irani, as ever, is rocking & keeps us through the movie.
All through the movie all I could think about is “11 mulkon mei DON release hui hai … lekin DON ko dekhna mushkil hi nahi namumkin hai”

Friday, October 20, 2006

For an Iyer, life beings at 4 AM.

Had a good round of all Idili, Pongal & Vadai (served with kozhu, chutney & mulagapodi) & some kesari this morning. Yes, as you would have guessed I attended, this morning, a small tamilian function.
As it has to, the function started at 5:30, making it an authentic Iyer one. For this I had to wake up early (or should I call it at midnight) and get set to ferry people at home to this place. By the time I woke up people at home were all ready (taken a hair bath/had one round of freshly brewed coffee & waiting for the second) & I had to rush through morning ablutions.
It is very important for a Iyer household to start all these functions as early as possible. My little knowledge of iyerism is unable to understand this concept!!
South Indians have this uncanny ability to wake people early (earlier that early) in the morning to wish. Early morning in Tamil parlance is just 4:00 AM. They would get up (i don't know when) - take a bath - smear vibuthi - call to wish u & I would just have slept then. huh !!! No birthdays (both English & Tamil), anniversaries, examination & result days, important festival days (which comes quite too often) have I slept beyond 4. All mama/mamis/uncles/aunties/... would hit our phone much more than the number of hits the playboy site gets.
Infact regular phone calls to chit-chat also happen at this hour. The history of this can be traced to the time when the telecom company would have full/half/one-third/one-forth rate slabs & people would make calls in the least rate slab which coincidently occurs between 11-6. And no Iyer of his salt, would stay awake after 10:00 (that’s when I guess when the popular soaps in sun/jaya/vijay TV ends.) which leave only the morning slot to be used ... I tried telling people that the telecom companies have changed their policies & you guys should also align yours with theirs. It never works.
God!! Let me sleep, is all I mumble on all these days.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Fraggle Rock

Remember the fraggle rock that we used to c as kids ...here are some greats links abt it


Dance your cares away,Worry's for another day.Let the music play,Down at Fraggle Rock.
Work your cares away,Dancing's for another day.Let the Fraggles play,We're Gobo, Mokey, Wembley, Boober, Red.
Dance your cares away,Worry's for another day.Let the music play,Down at Fraggle Rock.


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Don't talk about it...

He said ... I don’t want to stir the hornets nest ... he continued.

For a change he had got off his books and looked at the world around. This happened when he came to the US 5 yrs back ... and now 6 months back he fell in love ... :-))) (seems like the usual grad story ..Right?) ... :-)

Things were perfectly well between them until one day she asked him "When do we get married??”
He choked ... thought over it ... thought again... puked when he got home... and the reality was on his face. How would I break this to my dad?? That Hitler, would skin me alive... he would curse me and then shout at mom for no fault of hers. She would have to bear the brunt. Dad would never let this happen. I would have to marry someone of his choice ... someone whom he would have chosen for me just out of some pre notions. He felt dizzy... the whole world suddenly seem to be a sick place now ... Dint he ever think about this when he fell for her???

He always stayed away from gals when he was back there at home ... 'cos he always had the fear of its repercussions. And when he went to the US he lived like the same. It took a while for it to sink in that he has to start living ... and he finally did. But now, it was getting worse ... very worse... the thought of a happy ending to this love story of his seem to be a distant dream. He didn't want to ditch her ... nor did he have the guts to break the news back at home ...what would he do???

Days went on ... he couldn’t sleep ... dint have the glint in his eyes ... the girl knew the reason and people around him started to sense that something was wrong...

One fine day ... he just picked up the phone and called back home ... spoke to his dad, told him about his love ... It was cool ... he sounded happy and things went on well ... just perfect ... just opposite to what he had thought ... and it was done ... they would get married soon ...

But the lad's mind is still working hard ... he thinks... how cud my dad react in such a way?? How cud u just accept this?? There is something going on behind this ... something ... and I dunno what it is ... and its killing me ... would everything be ok ... would it all go fine ... would it all happen ... for now yes ... and I want it to be in status quo for now ...

So don’t talk about it ... I don’t want to stir the hornets nest.

Monday, July 03, 2006

A handsome tamil hero ... :-)

Check this out friends .. its just amazing .... u may have seen many & met many heroes, but i guarantee u wud never have seen any like this one ....

Lungi in Austria

It was a chilly evening but we were sat in open to have some coffee/wine and enjoy the serene surrounding. This was a weekend trip to Breganz (Austria) to see the snow, where we managed to slide-make snowman-pelt snow balls at each other. It was one of the most wonderful moments!!! Seeing snow for the first time ... huh / ahhhh!!! Makes you go crazy.

The coffee shop was on the way to the train station and we had enuff time to dunk in some hot fluids before it was time for the train. A polite & charming Austrian waiter (wearing some overgrown gown) came to take the order. He got some glasses of water and astounded us. We have never seen any place in Europe which serves water on the table unless you ask for it, something I couldn’t understand why after visiting those udipi restaurants all my life.

We Never have we seen anyone serving water before???
(Someone in our group managed to say this in German. I don’t blv them :-))) )

Waiter Ah!! Good coffee houses always serve water before u have coffee... so that u have the perfect taste of coffee...

We hmmmmmmmm... interesting (ofcourse not in chorus)

Some ordered for staple drinks while some of the brave ones wanted to try those tongue twister drinks that were on the menu!! I took some weird coffee and remarked that our waiter was wearing a lungi ... :-) ... and we all had a hearty laff ... When the coffee was delivered ppl were enjoying it but I found it to be devoid of sugar (ya i need lotts of sugar in my tea/coffee)...

I asked my friends wot they called for sugar in German and then memorized this. When the waiter came around

I Need SUKKER (sugar in German) and lots of it...

Him huh!! ... lotts ... hmm ... ya ...

I Yup!! SUKKER !!

Him oh!! Cheeni ... Cheeni ... That’s unlike a typical Indian ... they have it strong...

I (gulp !?!) Cheeni .. ya Cheeni ... but how do u know Cheeni ???

He gave a smile and vanished ... returned back with his hands full of sugar sachets ... and made me happy !!!

I Did u say Cheeni ??

Him Yup !! and at times u call it Pansarai too ...

I (#$%^&* … zapped) You know lots of Indian words ....

Him Ya ... I stayed in kerala for couple of years and did catch up a little Malayalam words.

I whew !!! great ... (Did he hear what I said about his Lungi ?)

Him Ya, its a beautiful place. India is beautiful. You all are very much like us ... I felt at home.

I (still not out of the Cheeni/Pansarai shock) ... ya .. ya ... thanx ... We all loved this place and ur coffee ... can v have a repeat !!!

Him Sure and with lotts of Cheeni ... :-)

Never thot we would find a Indian fan in a remote Austrian town. And yeah ... Mebbe the kerala connection explains his Lungi !!